The Lord told Samuel to fill his horn with oil and go to Jesse's house. For the Lord had selected a king for Himself among Jesse's sons.
Samuel invited Jesse and his sons to sacrifice to the Lord with him. Jesse brought out his first son, Eliab. He was strong and good looking. But the Lord said, "No."
The Lord told Samuel, "Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart."
So Jesse called Abinadab then Shammah and all seven of his sons. The Lord did not choose any of them. Samuel asked, "Are all the young men here?" Jesse told Samuel his youngest son, David, was keeping the sheep. And Samuel told Jesse to bring him.

When Samuel saw David, he was red from the sun. His eyes were bright. And he was handsome.
But the Lord chose David to be the king of Israel because he saw David's heart. And the Lord said, "Arise, anoint him, for this is the one!"
David was a good shepherd. He knew his sheep by name. He fought lions and bears to keep his sheep safe. He played his harp to calm their fears.

Sheep need a shepherd to lead them.
They won't lie down if they are afraid.
They won't lie down if there is friction with the other sheep.
They won't lie down if there are flies or parasites buzzing around them.
Parent Tip: Grab a bag of cotton balls, a spinner, and click on the image below to print the game board . Laminate the printout and attach a spinner.
Here's how to play: Take turns spinning. Count the number of sheep (cotton balls) that correspond with the number the spinner lands on. Continue to take turns spinning and counting the number of corresponding sheep. At the end of the game, count up all your sheep (cotton balls). The one with the most sheep (cotton balls) wins.